So, did they really blow the remake of this classic? Only one way to find out, I am just gonna have to watch it. Is anyone cool in it?
The Prince of Persia, 6.7 IMDB Rating
I heard this was pretty good, but the cast looks like a bunch of sissies. Can they convince me otherwise? I doubt it, but I am going to give it a show one day anyway.
The truth is, there aren't a lot of movies I have missed that I am dying to see and that is just sad. But my
search continues. Any ideas?
Dreamworks presents, The Super Fly
Well, you haven't heard of this one, I made it up, but I think it will happen one day. It'll be cool man!
12 Angy Men, IMDB 8.9 rating
Made in 1957, I just can't help but think this movie features my kind of people. Henry Fonda stars along with the guy Klugman that used to play Quincy. I love that show, I hope they make a movie called...Quincy!
And last but certainly not least....
The Darkslayer Movie! 9.9!
Yeah baby...I am feeling it!
Sorry folks I am out of gas. I'll try to do you better next time on....The Darkslayer Report.