Well, the ebook, that is. If you have downloaded the free version, you might want to know about The Darkslayer and Volume Two. Volume Two will be out soon, Early 2012. It's written, complete and going through the final editing stages. Also, I will be re-releasing Volume One, as well. Why?
When I was writing Volume Two I changed my writing style. I broke it out in shorter chapters and maintained a straight timeline. No flashbacks, or going back in time, just a straight red hot light. I liked this style better when writing and I grew into doing other things. I worked on the POV (Point of View) of all of the characters, their thoughts and feelings. More characters are developed this way. It get's the readers more involved and attached. After making these adjustments to my writing style I realized Volume One could be even better. I re-wrote it and tall orders like that make a writer better. I also added another 25,000 words to Volume One as well. Part of it was from Volume Two, but when I changed the timeline, I had to make the change. The plan is to release it before Volume Two and it will still be FREE (the ebook.). BTW, Volume Three is underway, and will be compete by February 2012.
What is the future of The Darkslayer? My plan initially was to do a trilogy, but that won't do. That's why I call them 'Volumes'. I'm not putting a limit on how many I am going to do. There is at least a thousand years of stories about The Darkslayer's on the world of Bish. I've got alot of work to do. I'll take it one book at a time. In the meantime, you might want to check out ZOMBIE DAY CARE.
PAPERBACKS and EBOOKS for SALE Below at AMAZON, BARNES & NOBLE, and MORE! SEE Purchasing Details Below. Blog includes MOVIE, TELEVISION and other PRODUCT Reviews! All provided by THE DARKSLAYER himself...but you can call him CRAIG...and it may or may not offend him.