Shutter Island is a really good movie. It has a good story, good acting and is well filmed. I watched it with my wife last night, she had seen it before and loved it, and I thought it was a horror film. I was surprised to find out that it was a cop/pyscho thriller instead. Shutter Island is a place where the mentally disturbed are kept in the fifties, and a US Marshall (Dicaprio) goes to investigate as a dangerous prisoner has escaped. This movie keeps you guessing, has a lot of twists and turns, can be confusing, but in the end it's really worthwhile. I don't say that much, but this was more along the lines of Hitchcock film and story and it was good to see something so entertaining for a change. I recommend this movie, you can buy it or rent it, it's a 8.0 out of 10 for certain.